We explored the Two Guns Abandoned Graffiti Gas Station and the old KOA while staying in the Flagstaff area. The abandoned KOA still has its swimming pool intact, along with an above-ground storage tank or two. Unfortunately, the old KOA building burnt up in flames a few years ago. You can still see some remnants of the fire. They are all tagged by Graffiti artists and the pool has a strange human body placed in a kneeling position there by the pool. The creation by the old KOA pool is pretty strange at best.

This same exit also has the Apache Death Cave, along with ancient pueblo ruins including remains of an old zoo and chicken wire, along with the old Canyon Diablo gorge bridge. So, this is a great place to explore all in this one area. Give yourself enough time on your road trip to explore all of these attractions when you go!
Let’s take a closer look at the Abandoned Gas Station and what remains of the old KOA campground.
What is the Abandoned Graffiti Gas Station and old abandoned KOA Campground?
The Two Guns exit off of I-40 to the south is an interesting place in the middle of nowhere that you should explore . All walls are painted including the rear of the building.

This old Shell service station had originally opened in the 1960’s and closed by 1980 when I-40 and travel plazas were built ultimately ensuring travelers would bypass the Two Guns Exit. The old Shell gas station is re-tagged often over the years and is now a bonified tourist attraction.

Drive south down the dirt road just to the west of the gas station. You will see two above-ground storage tanks. To the west of the second tank, you will come upon the old KOA swimming pool that has seen many street artists paint the pool and supporting structures. There is also a strange figure that’s been staged at the edge of the pool near the deep end. That’s really pretty freaky looking. Don’t know how long something like that will last but if it’s there, check it out.

Where are the Two Gun’s Exit and the old Gas Station and the KOA Swimming Pool?
Two Guns is a ghost town long inhabited by Native Americans. It’s located on the Canyon Diablo Gorge in Coconino County between the city of Flagstaff and the town of Winslow, about 30 miles east of Flagstaff. Elevation is at 5,415 ft .

What’s the History behind the Two Guns Exit and Graffiti Buildings?
Artifacts can be found at the site dating back to between 1050 and 1600 A.D. showing this area has long been inhabited by Native Americans. The Hopi, Navajos, and Apaches are among the tribes who lived where Two Guns is located.
The first white settlers started a trading post near the current Two Guns area called “Canyon Lodge” in the early 1880s (thought to be around 1864).
Earle and Louise Cundiff
In the early 1920s, Earle and Louise Cundiff purchased about 320 acres of land in the area. They initially built a trading post, restaurant, gasoline station and even a post office. Travelers along the National Trail Highway (which became US Route 66 in 1926) would stop for a much-needed respite at the roadside attraction..
Henry E. Miller
Harry E. Miller leased some of the Cundiffs’ land. He had a much grander vision for this area. Miller and his wife, with the help of area Hopi Indians, began to build a trading post, a Texaco filling station. a Hopi House and a “Zoo“. The hope was to create a tourist trap along Route 66.
How did Two Guns get its name? The story goes that Miller named the town in honor of Western silent film actor William Surrey Hart, also known as Two Gun Bill because his twin Colt 1851 Navy Revolvers appeared in most of his 77 films.
Harry Miller and Earle Cundiff got into a heated argument over lease terms. Miller shot Cundiff and killed him in cold blood. The police released Miller from jail and due to him claiming self-defense.
Miller eventually had to leave the area. He was mauled on two occasions by mountain lions and was bitten by one of his poisonous Gila monsters caged up in the Zoo. Miller became quite ill and he left Two Guns at that point.
The Louise Cundiff Rebuild
Unfortunately, Route 66 was rerouted away from the crossing of the nearby Canyon Diablo bridge to I-40 which diverted travelers. Louise Cundiff remarried and her new husband decided to rebuild on the opposite side of the canyon where Route 66 was rerouted. There was a new trading post, souvenir shop, gas station, motels, taverns, a KOA, and a new zoo. Their hopes of continuing to draw travelers didn’t come to fruition.
After they sold the property it would be leased and abandoned multiple times. A man named Dreher bought it and was able to revitalize the area. Things were looking up for the town since I-40 would run through the area and it would have a dedicated exit. Unfortunately, a huge fire destroyed the town in 1971 and it was never rebuilt.
Ghost Town
Two Guns is now considered an abandoned ghost town. The zoo ruins, the gutted gas station, and the old KOA pool still stand, and you can still visit the Apache Death Cave. The old route or historic route of the National Trail Highway and Route 66 is still intact and you can drive over the Old Canyon Diablo Bridge as well.
In 2011, Russell Crowe supposedly purchased the property that is now Two Guns to film a Westworld remake, but only time will tell if the production will suffer from the curse, or if Hollywood is somehow immune. The attractions may now be considered private property but access to the area is still allowed.

What to Expect at Two Guns?
There’s nothing fancy about the structures that still are upright. The former Gas Station appears structurally sound. You drive down the gravel road behind the gas station and you get to 2 storage tanks. Then you get to the KOA swimming pool structure. You will see adjacent another KOA structure that has since collapsed from fire damage. It’s not a far walk either from the gas station.

There is (or at least was in 2023) a really freaky representation of someone right next to the pool’s deep end. Not sure who put it there, but again, it’s a bit scary.

On one hand, the gas station, tanks, and KOA Pool are beautiful and colorful; on the other, it’s kind of freaky and eerie, especially there at dusk. While at Two Guns, you will want to check out and explore the ancient pueblos and their stone ruins, including the historic Tale of the Apache Death Cave, and the old Diable Canyon bridge. Also in the Flagstaff area, make sure you check out the Petrified Wood National Park, the Meteor Crater Natural Landmark, the Winslow Standin’ in the Corner, among a number of additional attractions. This was an absolute blast!!
Take a look at the abandoned Anasazi Inn at Gray Mountain, AZ for some great street art and Pensacola Graffiti Bridge on 17th Avenue. Street art is alive and well in Pensacola, FL.
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