Jerome, Arizona, nestled high up in the mountains overlooking the beautiful Verde Valley, is steeped in history and known for its unique attractions. Among these fascinating attractions is Jerome’s Famous Sliding Jail.

What is the Jerome Sliding Jail?
The City of Jerome constructed the jail in 1905 to accommodate the town’s growing rowdy population. Initially, the concrete cell block served as the town’s jailhouse, providing a place for the “unlawfuls” to cool their heels. It also was a source of entertainment for locals and visitors alike.

Jerome played a pivotal role in the mining industry, particularly in the extraction of copper and other valuable minerals. It was once known as the wickedest town in the West due to its rowdy reputation. Jerome was a bustling boomtown during the early 20th century. Today, it is a testament to the resilience and spirit of the people who called it home.

The jail operated for around 30 years. The jail’s foundation started to get stressed by dynamite underground blasting from the nearby underground mining shafts. Ultimately, the jail pulled away from the rest of the structure and began moving ever so slightly, eventually sliding 225 feet downhill. It ended up right in the middle of the town’s main street so something must be done.

The road was altered to go around it. Years later, the Arizona Department of Transportation pushed it completely off the side of Hull Avenue to where it sits today.

The Jerome Sliding Jail was acquired by the Jerome Historical Society in 2017. They have plans to rehabilitate the jail. It has been stabilized with retaining walls to prevent collapse.

Where is the Sliding Jail Located?
The sliding jail is located on the east side of Hull Avenue, just down the hill from the parking area for the Jerome Visitor Center, next to a basketball backboard. This building has a collapsed wall and it’s on the downhill side.

Admission is free. A pay-to-park lot is sitting above the basketball court, right next to the sliding jail off Hole Avenue. Park here or in another area and walk a bit further to get to it.
Jerome’s Sliding Jail makes a great day trip and a fun place in Jerome to explore. While in Jerome, you are going to want to check out the Jerome State Historical Park located on Cleopatra hill in the Douglas Mansion.

Jerome’s a cool town sitting high up on the mountain, and definitely worth a visit. Jerome’s Famous Sliding Jail is a quirky historical attraction that’s worth checking out as part of the Jerome experience.
And look, if you like this content, you want to check out all our other posts and videos covering attractions near Cottonwood and Jerome. This includes attractions such as the Verde Valley Train in Clarksdale, the Jerome State Historic Park, and the Tuzigoot National Monument in Cottonwood, along with the other videos we have on our epic Arizona trip.
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